Giving Tuesday
Today is Giving Tuesday – a day that everyone should participate in some way, whether it’s a gift to your favorite cause, volunteering, helping a neighbor, or cheering up someone who is down. Giving Tuesday is an annual reminder that generosity makes a difference and that everyone has something to give.
When I was asked to write this blog, I knew of Giving Tuesday – to me, it was a day to donate to your favorite cause, but in digging deeper, I learned so much more about this incredible movement that spans the globe and isn’t just about one day a year. This movement is about inspiring generosity worldwide as part of everyday life.
Giving Tuesday was born in 2012 in New York City to create innovations and social impact for the city. Today, Giving Tuesday is an independent nonprofit and a global movement involving millions of people coming together to share humanity and generosity. They believe that the suffering of others should be as intolerable to us as our own suffering.
So, how can you become part of this movement? You can start today with any large or small act that will help change the world. Everyone has something to contribute, and each act of generosity helps move the mission forward. Here are a few ideas of how you can contribute:
• Donate to a food pantry
• Give blood
• Donate to a Nonprofit
• Prepay a meal at a local restaurant for someone in need
• Bring blankets, coats, gloves, and non-perishable snacks to the homeless
• Adopt a family in need and provide them with Christmas gifts and a meal
• Give a kind word to someone who needs it
• Visit the elderly and help them with something they can no longer do for themselves
• Help a new mother with a cooked meal or offer to watch the baby for an hour
• Write a letter to someone who helped you along the way
• Donate to an animal shelter or volunteer there
• Get a group together to pick up trash or commit to making less waste in your own home
The list is endless – there are so many ways to impact someone else’s life for the good. You can create your own list or find more generous acts here.
As a company, Partners In Recognition, Inc. has always believed that philanthropic gifts can change the world, and we commit funds annually to a good cause. This year, in honor of Giving Tuesday, PIR has donated $1500 to the Central Ohio Association of Fundraising Professionals to help them continue to be a catalyst to a world of generosity and social good through fundraising best practices.
There is so much need for change in our world, and if everyone moves the needle just a bit – think of all the good we can do collectively. Every generous act inspires more. What will you do to change the world?