Navigating the Pandemic – Virtual Ribbon Cutting
The pandemic has created more chaos and barriers than we care to list, but it also has forced creativity in how we handle our work, social situations and every other aspect of our daily lives. We’ve been navigating these constant changes and road blocks for months – some are easy to overcome, some, well, not so much! As an aspiring eternal optimist, I’m always trying to look for the good in bad situations and last week I found a link to a VIRTUAL RIBBON CUTTING in one of my emails from a client – West Georgia Health Foundation. I clicked on the link hoping to see our donor displays that were recently shipped. I was delighted at the video I had stumbled upon – it was intriguing to say the least – the images they shared told a great story of how the Enock Callaway Cancer Center evolved from dirt to an extraordinary facility! It’s my understanding that this video was sent to the donors and they also had a live event via Facebook for their ribbon cutting. I found myself in awe of how they worked through such a difficult situation of not having people gather! What a creative solution for this event! Oh, and our donor displays did make the cut. Hats off to West Georgia Health Foundation staff for their answer to one of the pandemic problems – we can check this issue off the list!
I obtained permission to share this video with you – enjoy!