Making Good Decisions About What Type of Donor Recognition System to Use
Where do you begin to decide what system to use to recognize the various donors for your campaigns? Partners In Recognition, Inc. has many donor recognition systems to immediately address your wishes and flexible systems for your campaigns’ future. All our systems can be customized to fit your exact requirements and environment. In this blog, we’ll take you through an overview of all the systems that can be used and how they can fill your campaign needs; then, in a series of blogs that follow, we’ll look at more specific elements of each system and how each can be customized to work for you.
Let’s begin with a chart showing the “best uses” for each recognition system we offer and the ease with which the donor names can be updated. This chart will help you get started, but remember that all our systems can work for many different scenarios—we will discuss those specifics later. This chart is a good “nail in the wall” for discussing your wants and needs.

One of the most crucial functions of this chart is to show which systems have the ability to update names. There are campaign types that you’ll need to move, remove, or add names, such as Cumulative Campaigns and Annual Campaigns. Still, through our many years of designing and building displays, we realize that even closed campaigns, such as Capital Campaigns, might still have changes to names after the display goes on the wall. For this reason, we include changeable systems in the “Capital Campaign” category along with static displays. If you decide on a permanent display – there are still ways to make changes without completely starting over; we will discuss this further in the Permanent Systems blog.
Our chart’s second and third sections match a system to a campaign type or other use, such as recognizing volunteers or sales awards. These selections are “best used” but do not encompass all scenarios – so, for instance, a “Clear Change” can be used for a Capital Campaign, but its best use is for listings of names that need to change often, such as an Annual Campaign. A History Display does not need to change, so a permanent system or wall mural will be your best choice, but it is not exclusive to the other systems.
To reiterate, if you want total control over changing, removing, or adding nameplates, consider our Clear Change, MagTech, ClearTech, Polaris, Rod or Wire Suspension, or Interactive Computer System.
If you want to be able to move names or remove names, our Stand-Off System might be what you need.
If your names aren’t going to move or be removed, but you’d like to add names in the future, you’ll want to look into our Pre-Defined or Add-On Systems. If your campaign is closed, you have historical information to display, or you need to display information, text, and images that will remain the same – Permanent and Custom Wallpaper Murals are promising systems for you.
In-Depth Look at Each Donor Recognition System
Now that we know which systems are changeable and what each is best used for, let’s look at each of Partners In Recognition’s systems in more depth. In the following eleven blogs, we’ll go into more detail about how each system works and show examples of how we’ve used these systems to fulfill a client’s requirements.
SYSTEM BLOG POSTS: Clear Change System | Magtech System | ClearTech System | Polaris System | Stand-off System | Rod & Wire Suspension System | Pre-Defined Area System | Permanent System | Add-On System | Interactive Computer Systems | Custom Wallpaper Murals
If you don’t want to spend the time reading about each of our systems, make it easy on yourself and give us a call. We’ll set you up with the most efficient system that best meets your requests!